The relationship between parental engagement and the success of students has been a well-established and proven topic over the past few decades. To achieve the goals of the education system, in an ever-changing world, parent-school relationship becomes a key factor. Gone are the days when education was considered an interaction between the teacher and the...
UncategorizedThe importance of parental engagement in school learning

The relationship between parental engagement and the success of students has been a well-established and proven topic over the past few decades. To achieve the goals of the education system, in an ever-changing world, parent-school relationship becomes a key factor. Gone are the days when education was considered an interaction between the teacher and the student. We are in now in an era that strongly advocates the development of students in all dimensions such as cognitive, social, emotional and spiritual. Such a holistic development, needs a holistic approach and re-conceptualization where parents play a pivotal role along with the school in shaping an individual’s development and learning process.
What’s the role of the school and parent?
It is now widely accepted that learning is influenced 60-80% at home and 20-40% at school.
This relative influence of parental involvement is still not an accurate measure due to the lack of standardization of parental engagement approaches. It also strongly depends upon other factors such as genetic disposition, socio-economic status of the family, geographical factors and the literacy of parents. Nevertheless, positive parental engagement can and does significantly fuel the academic success and overall development of students.
What impact does parental engagement have on learning?
The parent-school relationship and the parent-learning relationship are often terms that are confused with and misunderstood. While the parent being involved in school activities brings about positive changes and carries important in the social scenario, a parent’s engagement in the learning system plays a key role in the student’s academic performance and learning outcomes.
Here are some positive outcomes of effective parental engagement:
- Higher grades and scores in exams.
- Lower drop-out rates
- Greater likelihood of course completion
- Higher graduation rates
- Regular attendance and completion of tasks
- Better social skills and behavior
- Greater sense of self and social accountability
- A sense of personal competence for learning
What’s the best time to start parental engagement?
The earlier the involvement and engagement begins, the better outcome it has. One of the best forms of engagement is helping and involving in the students’ tasks and homework. Effective involvement also begins by taking part in decision making and curriculum implementation of the school.
What does effective parental engagement include?
- Having routines that can be adhered to which includes being strict about bedtime, having one family meal together and conversation time.
- Facilitating a calm and conducive environment for studying/learning.
- Being actively involved in parent portals to be updated about communication from school, students’ performance and teachers’ remarks.
- Attending parent-teacher interaction sessions and working in tandem with the teachers to help address the areas where there is a scope for improvement.
- Encouraging the students’ achievements and progress in school.
- Enabling the students to set realistic goals and helping them work towards it.
- Encourage reading and writing activities and positive discussions between family members to discuss any issue that they may be facing.
How does it benefit the teacher-parent relationship?
While the ultimate goal of parental engagement is improved academic performance and holistic development of students, there are benefits for both parents and teachers that is a result of effective parental engagement.
- Being involved in academics and the learning processes makes the parent more aware of the present-day education standards and challenges.
- Parents understand the child’s tastes and strengths better.
- The perception of teaching and the school’s role in education improves for the parent which enables them to work with them in tandem.
- Parents are better able to contribute to the changes and necessary amends in the curriculum and policies when they are involved.
- The teachers have more motivation when they are assured a positive engagement and support from the parents.
- The respect and cooperation extended by an engaged parent results in a positive relationship and better learning outcomes. This also brings about mutual respect and trust.
- The teachers are better able to understand family backgrounds and diversities and the kind of help needed by the student.
The present-day e-learning scenario – how has parental engagement in learning evolved?